
gaming & esports

Unlock Player & audience Insights with AI-Powered Analysis of Gaming Community Conversations

ai-powered gaming insights

product management & operations

product management

Gain real-time insights into player feedback, feature requests, and bug reports to prioritize updates and optimize game performance.

community management

Monitor player sentiment, detect emerging trends, and engage with gaming communities more effectively to build loyalty and trust.

research and analytics


Analyze audience behavior and market trends to guide data-driven decisions for game development, marketing, and player engagement strategies.

ai-powered gaming insights

product management & operations

Gain real-time insights into player feedback, feature requests, and bug reports to prioritize updates and optimize game performance.

community management

Monitor player sentiment, detect emerging trends, and engage with gaming communities more effectively to build loyalty and trust.

research and analytics

Analyze audience behavior and market trends to guide data-driven decisions for game development, marketing, and player engagement strategies.

Siftree merges the precision of AI-driven search with the scale of social listening to deliver information from real, authentic content.